Boost sales by 35% with AI-driven lead management

Exclusive Leads In Your Area

Unify, Simplify, Amplify

Struggling to keep track of your leads? With

TrendSense, all your leads are consolidated in one place, giving you complete control over your follow-ups. Work smarter, not harder, and deliver a first-class client experience that sets you apart.
Stand out online and let our AI-driven system enhance your client relationships and visibility, so you can focus on closing deals.

What Can TrendSense Do For YOU!

Paid Advertising

Accelerate your lead generation with proven lead generation templates & strategies.

Lead Generation

Proven Lead Funnel templates that are proven to convert. Get more leads for less.


Let our app automatically book appointments with new clients on your calendar.

Workflows & Automations

Build powerful business workflows adapted to your team's needs

AI Follow up

Turn leads into clients with always-on follow up that tells agents who to call, when.


Grow your audience & know where

new leads are coming from

Online Reviews

Automate Your Online Reviews

Boost your ratings and build a stellar reputation. We help you get found online by sending review requests to recent clients via their preferred communication channels. Easily respond to and interact with reviewers, all managed from a single inbox.
Elevate your online presence and let TrendSense handle the rest, ensuring every client interaction enhances your reputation and drives more business.

Every Conversation In One Place

Communicate Efficiently With Clients and Leads

Imagine having every lead at your fingertips, organized and ready for action. We puts all your leads in one place, so you can take control of your follow-up process effortlessly.
Say goodbye to multiple apps, software, stitching zapier, and missed opportunities, and hello to more closed deals. TrendSense is your remedy for chaos, turning it into streamlined success!

Done for you lead generation

Overwhelmed by lead management? We generate leads through Facebook, Instagram, Google, retargeting, webots, surveys, funnels and more, while managing your reputation and email marketing, ensuring no lead slips through the cracks. Let TrendSense handle the details so you can focus on growth!

Grow Your Audience

Unlock your potential with TrendSense, your all-in-one solution for growing your audience and tracking new leads. Our easy-to-use CRM lets you effortlessly import existing leads, streamlining client communication and making follow-ups a breeze. We generate leads through

Facebook, Instagram, Google, retargeting, website, email marketing, and reputation management, Respond to and interact with reviewers, our auto-missed call text back feature keeps conversations alive! Let our AI handle the busy work while you focus on what you do best – SELLING!

Are we a good match?

Let's talk!

AI Works You Sell!

Meet us at the forefront of technological innovation.
Don't just dream about the future; Be the force that shapes it.

Join us and turn your passion into impact that propels both communities and your career forward,
Be a part of the innovation that drives the future, and leave Your Legacy!

Build with Love in The U.S.A

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All Rights Reserved

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At we’re dedicated to elevating your sales and marketing game through expert education, hands-on training, and seamless operational support. We’re not about quick fixes or empty promises—we’re here to equip you with the tools and knowledge to make savvy decisions and enhance your professional skills. While success isn’t guaranteed, our commitment to your growth is.

Earnings Disclaimer Results may vary and testimonials are not claimed to represent typical results. All testimonials are real.
These results highlight exceptional achievements from our most dedicated, past and present clients. They are not representative of typical or average outcomes.

At we refrain from making any claims about potential earnings, effort-related outcomes, or promises that our training or systems will lead to financial gains. It’s important to note that all of our educational materials and operational systems are intellectual property protected by copyright, and any unauthorized duplication, reproduction, or distribution is strictly prohibited.